Consent for Disposition of the deceased body
    Sarasota Memorial Hospital Morgue

    Sarasota Memorial Hospital of Sarasota, Florida is hereby given permission to deliver the body of

    toGoing Home Cremations, 941-320-1179

    [Funeral Home or person acting as such]

    The undersigned or person granting permission in writing represents:
    To the best of my knowledge, the deceased during his/her lifetime made no indications contrary to the permission I have given for disposition of the deceased body;
    To the best of my knowledge, there is no oposition to the permission I have given for disposition of the deceased body by any person who js a member of a class in priority consent prior to the class of which I am a member of.

    Permission Signature

    Consent Given By:





    Date Signed:

    Priority of Consent
    1. Spouse | 2. Adult son or daughter | 3. Parent | 4. Adult brother or sister | 5. Next of Kin
    6. Personal Representative of the Estate (Executor) | 7. Judicially appointed guardian
    Return Fax: 941-917-7555 --