
Anita Hartshorn

11/21/1934 - 06/18/2023

Our “Mom”, our “Gramma Anita”, and just plain ole Anita to her friends.

A remarkable woman, with smiles for all, open hands and open heart. She would keep you on your toes, and was so proud of the fact that she was a strong, independent woman. All of that and so much more. Her love was unbounded for dear, sweet Norrie, whom she will now be able to join once again in Heaven (IF) she wins that bet … (Norrie says there is no afterlife) … Ha !! We are betting on her, and hope she can spend eternity with those who have gone before her: Her mother Rita Bibeau DeLude and father Fred; her paternal grandmother Pamela deLude; and her aunts Eliza, Josephine, Flora, Rose and Celia.

Those of us who remain will fondly remember her deep faith and devotion to God and hope we will be united once again. We love you mom & Gramma Anita with all our hearts. Jeanine, Paul, Pat and John (the kids), Adam, Andrew, Allen, Mandy and Danielle (the grandkids), Thomas, Michael, Anthony, Joseph and Christoper (the great grandkids), her late-husbands children Dan and Dave , Jeanine Moore and Cathy (friends since childhood), and last but not least, her wonderful circle of friends in Walnut Creek, CA whom she sang with, did fashion shows with, and generally lived daily life with: Rita, Harriet, Mariel, Jerry and Arlene. We all join in one last Ave Maria to honor her life and send our love on the wings of angels. We will miss you.