Eileen P. Seyfert (Née Trainor) Passed from this life after a long illness. She leaves behind her loving husband, John, her five remaining children, Robert Cirello, Kathleen Leonard spouse Craig, Thomas Cirello spouse Michelle, Timothy Cirello spouse Jana and Christian Cirello. Her beloved son, Joseph preceded her in death and she will be interred beside him, as per her last wishes. She also leaves behind her mother, Ellen Trainor, sisters Kate and Maureen, and brothers Owen and Kevin. Lastly, 14 grandchildren and on great-grandchild will miss her.
Eileen had an enormous heart and an easy laugh. She was the person people naturally gravitated to. We’d go to the grocery store and I’d turn my back for a minute, only to come back and find her engaged in conversation with somebody who asked if she knew where the pasta aisle was and next thing they’d be talking about their grandchildren. She was just a lovely, beautiful soul who graced this earth for too short of a time. We all loved our “Little Eileen”. Our lives were all the richer because of her and now, all a little sadder moving on without her.
I love you, my girl. Rest In Peace. May you enter into the joy of your rest with your Lord. Can’t wait for us to be together again.