Incredible, loving father, brother and son. Mario, the greatest, most loving, with a will like no other. The head on his shoulders was always held as high as could be, while having the power to allow others to lean on him whenever anyone needed. He was truly one of a kind.
The resilience and determination he had to do the right thing and be the greatest he could shined beautifully. His divine being was so deep-rooted, and he made sure to pass those attributes down to his kids, and everyone else he met throughout his long, progressive life. He fulfilled more in his life time than others could in 10.
There is no true words to do describe the compassion, loyalty, honestly, and overall dignity Mario portrayed every single day.
He always spoke such words of wisdom and lived by these every day. “Your word is your bond.” “Do things that you can look in the mirror the next day and be proud of who you see.” “Stay strong” “Stay Loyal” “Be a realist” and “everything happens for a reason.” Among much more…
He always liked this saying, “God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers.” And he proved that to be true every single day.
He will be greatly loved and missed and his legacy will continue to love on forever. Mario will always be in our hearts and connected through our souls.