Richard Rosende was born in Atlanta, GA on September 20,1962 to Armand & Patricia Rosende. He had 2 older sisters, Laura Rosende and Minda Rosende. He graduated from Georgia State University on March 25, 1990 with a Bachelor of Business Administration.
He grew up on Berkford Circle in Atlanta, GA. He married Sheree Heller Rosende, his high school sweetheart, on August 26, 1984. They fell in love when they were both 15 years old. Married at 22 years old, spent 2 years inDouglasville GA and then moved back to Berkford Circle. They were married for 36 years after dating for 7 years.
When he was 50 year’s old, he moved to Redington Beach FL. Spent time swimming in the ocean, watching sunsets and walking on the beach. He loved going to bonfires on the beach.
He was an intelligent man, a wonderful husband with a great sense of humorand an excellent chef. He was kindhearted and always willing to help people. He managed his rental properties and was able to fix things and collect the rent. He was very handy and knowledgeable. Richard and Sheree worked together managing rental property and doing accounting work.
He loved dogs and had 2 when he passed away into heaven (Jessee and Maggee)
Richard passed away at the age of 58 and went to heaven on February 27, 2021. He always said that part of heaven was being in people’s memories. So please keep him in your memories, thoughts, and prayers.
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