With the option of cremation, there are endless possibilities and creative things you can do with cremation ashes. Here are some suggestions on what to do with cremation ashes:
- Keep The Ashes At Home
- Bury Or Put Them In A Columbarium
- Scatter The Ashes
- Turn The Ashes Into Diamonds Or Make Jewelry
- Plant Trees Or Turn The Ashes Into Coral Reef
- Make A Tattoo
- Turn The Ashes Into Ammo
- Space Travel
Keep The Ashes At Home
What people typically do is to keep their loved one’s ashes at home. Some families decide to split the remains into different urns so that the family members can have the ashes in their homes.
Bury The Ashes Or Put Them Into A Columbarium
Another way is to either bury the urn or put them into a columbarium and let the cremated remains rest there. With either option, it is essential for families to prepare and have plans in advance to avoid paying excessive costs.
Scatter The Ashes
There are different options when it comes to scattering the ashes. Most people choose to scatter at sea or ocean, or a private land if they have the permission. When it comes to scattering the remains, there are rules and regulations varying across states.
Learn more about Scattering The Ashes in the state of Florida.
Turn The Ashes Into Diamonds Or Make Jewelry
Keeping cremation ashes in a beautiful piece of jewelry is a good way for those who would like to keep the memory of their loved one close to them. This offers a wide range of alternatives from incorporating the ashes into a beautiful necklace, a bracelet, or a ring, to turning them into real diamonds.
Make A Tattoo
Another way to always keep the memory is to make a tattoo by mixing the remains with tattoo ink.
Generate New Lives: Plant Trees Or Turn The Ashes Into Coral Reef
Families can bury their loved one’s ashes with different types of seeds or within a tree root. However, planting trees with the remains is much more complicated than it sounds.
Cremation ashes do not decompose well, which deters the nutrient absorption process. As a result, DIY is not recommended and there are companies that offer this service at an affordable price.
Man-made reef is also an interesting choice. You can add your loved one’s ashes to a man-made reef, which is called Eternal Reef.
Turn The Ashes Into Ammo
Holy Smoke, a company we work with, is a trusted place to look for this service. You can even get colored ammo for military gun salutes.

Send The Ashes To Space
Another way to celebrate one’s life is by launching the ashes to space for a final journey. A company called Celetis provides different types of this service.
There is no limitation on what to do with cremation ashes. People can generally decide what is the best way to show love and respect to their deceased.
At Going Home Cremations, whatever your option is, we provide the best cremation services in Florida. With over 20 years of experience, we can help and give you good pieces of advice on what to do with the cremation remains that works best for your preference.
Please contact Going Home Cremation – For further information, please visit Our Affordable Cremation Page or Call Us For A Free Consultation!